At NCS we take the safety of our students and your children very seriously. We comply with all PA state laws regarding supervision and protection of children. In order for a parent, grandparent, etc. to volunteer at Nittany Christian School where you will be directly supervising students, you must have volunteer clearances in place prior to being in the classroom, lunchroom or on field trips. Clearances are valid for 5 years from the date the clearance is obtained.

The clearances required to serve in a supervisory capacity are as follows:

  • PA Child Abuse Clearance – this can be done online by visiting www.compass.state.pa.us/cwis

    1. Create an Individual Account or Log In if you already have an account.

    2. Complete the clearance request application.

    3. Once submitted, you will receive a confirmation email.

    4. You will receive an additional email with the results within 14 days.

    5. Click on the Certification page and print.

    6. Bring a copy of your certificate to the School office.

  • PA Criminal History Check – this can be done online by visiting https://epatch.pa.gov/home

    1. Select “Submit a New Record Check” (requires a credit card) and complete.

    2. Follow instructions through to the Certification Page.

    3. You will receive your results immediately.

    4. Once the Search Results Table appears, click on the control number. (Please retain the control number for your records.)

    5. Click on the Certification page and print.

    6. Bring a copy of your certificate to the School office.

    If you have been a resident of PA during the entirety of the previous ten-year period, you may sign the Disclosure Statement Application for Volunteers in lieu of fingerprinting. Click the link below.

  • FBI Fingerprint Clearance – this can be done online by visiting: https://uenroll.identogo.com/

    1. Enter Service Code: 1KG6V5 (Make sure you enter this correctly or you will need to start the process over and pay for the background check again – fee of $22.60 for volunteers, $23.85 for employees)

    2. Complete the registration form. Make sure this is done before you arrive for your actual fingerprinting.

    3. Print registration receipt to take with you to the local fingerprint site. You will also need your valid Driver’s License or another type of Photo ID.

    4. Local fingerprint site is at:

Advantage Resource Group

1915 Pine Hall Road, Suite 150
State College, PA 16801

Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am – 12:00 pm & 12:30 pm-4:00 pm


       5. Bring a copy of your registration form to the School office to allow School to access your results.

Please email clearances as PDF files to volunteer@nittanychristian.com.