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NCS Trivia Night FUNdraiser!
You are invited to join us for our second annual Trivia Night FUNdraiser to benefit Nittany Christian School!
Got the brains? Then come on out and show off all that knowledge and PROVE IT!
PRIZES will be awarded!!
• Tickets are FREE, but registration is required. REGISTER BY OCTOBER 25th! (If you are already at a table, you don't need to register)
• A donation of $500 is required to sponsor a table.
• Volunteers needed!! We need bakers, greeters, set-up & tear-down crew, registration, and more! If you are interested in being a table host, please let us know!
• You will have the opportunity to give financial gifts to Nittany Christian School during the night of the event.
• • • • • DOORS OPEN AT 6:00PM • • • • •
If you have any questions about registration, sponsorship information or volunteering, please contact us at NCSTriviaNight@gmail.com
Head on over to the Nittany Christian Facebook Event page and let us know if you plan to attend!