Thank you for submitting the NCS Attendance Form. A copy of your submission will be shared with your student’s teachers and will be printed to serve as your student's absence note for the date provided on the form. We encourage you to email your student’s teachers to ask how they would like to handle missed assignments.
1.) Has your student been to an appointment?
If your student received any restrictions/limitations (relating to recess or gym class) at this appointment, please get a note stating the restrictions from the provider and submit it to the NCS Office.
2.) When can my student return after an illness?
A student may return to school when he or she:
▪ has been symptom-free (fever of 100.0º or above, vomiting, diarrhea) without a fever-reducing medicine for 24 hours.
▪ has been on a prescribed antibiotic for 24 hours.
▪ have treated red eyes (that were accompanied by drainage) for 24 hours.
▪ has had resolution of an unexplained rash or sores (that are open, crusty, or wet).
▪ have treated his/her case of head lice AND been examined by the school nurse at Mount Nittany Middle School before returning to school.
Parents/guardians may verify a maximum of ten (10) cumulative legal absences during the school year. Any additional absences beyond the 10 parental/guardian excuses (not counting educational trips and doctor’s excuses) require a written medical excuse from a medical provider. Notification from the school will be provided to parents/guardians informing them that a doctor’s excuse is necessary for any future absences when they have reached 10 written parental/guardian excuses.